API To check whether User is banned?


Right now I am working with something where I am generating UserIDs randomly but trying to filtering them using information from APIs such as Friend count and checking their “Last Online” date, however it seems that this information can still be generated for users which were Terminated.

Is there some sort of API that can indicate whether a user has been terminated or not? This would help me filter them out.

Thank you.

The Users API has a /v1/users/ endpoint which returns a response with a boolean property of ‘isBanned’.


Use get useridfromname or use getnamefromuserid if nil then print(“Player banned”)

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Thanks a bunch I will try this out straight away!

@ThoseNamesAreGood will also try this out! Thank you.

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Seems like Names can also be generated from UserId’s of terminated Users.

Oh, i never knew… sorry about that.

How do you use this API? I’m curious.

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