Added music to the character creator
Map view distance has been increased for terrain and core elements
Added squad member names to map markers
Added extra data saving safety measures
Added new moon and sun textures to the default skybox
Added search bar and filter buttons to character creator
Firearms on the ground now display their attachments/magazines when dropped
Added one purchasable outfit - the Green Beret (Price will not change! Purchases will never be removed from your account!)
Added cosmetic item discovery and item tagging
- All cosmetic items in the character creator are now locked behind the discovery system (except paid items, which are rewarded once purchased)
- Discovering a new item in the world unlocks it for future use in the character creator
- Items will display their current discovery status in the inventory and world hovertexts
- Equipping or moving any “New” tagged items into your inventory will unlock them. You can also right click to unlock any “New” items from any vicinity containers
- Only fresh loot will be classified as “New”. After a player interacts with any “New” loot, its status becomes “Worn” and it can no longer be used for unlock.
- Any fresh loot that you have already discovered will display the “Unlocked” tag instead of “New”
- Player corpses no longer allow cosmetics to be looted if they are currently being worn
Added two new (non-rare) firearms - Camp Carbine, AUG Assault Rifle
Added five “Rare” firearms - Makarov, Mosin PU Sniper, MP 40, M1919A6 LMG, Python Revolver
- Rare firearms have their own special spawn locations, and usually only spawn in one or two places on the entire map
- Most Rare firearms require special ammunition or magazines which will only spawn with the firearm, or nearby
- Some of these firearms have unique properties or stats, but most are relatively standard
- Rare firearms and ammo will be marked with a colored “Rare” tag
Added nine melee weapons - Pocket Knife, Chef Knife, Combat Knife, Hatchet, Fire Axe, Crowbar, Entrenchment Shovel, Officers Sword, and NCO Katana
- Damage is delt according to the hitbox of the weapon
- Weapons have different attack styles, speeds, and damage stats
- Melee hits will not stun players
- Melee hits on most weapons will stun infected
- All melee hits will break window glass
- Newly spawned players now have a Pocket Knife in addition to their Snubnose Revolver
Adding boxing mode to characters (Default bind “B”)
- Boxing mode is a melee system accessable at any standing state
- Left clicks will play a combo of Left and Right punches
- Holding right click will initiate a block stance
- Shoving is replaced with a kick that can guardbreak another player’s block stance
- Crouching can be used to attack under blocking players
- Damage is delt to anything directly infront of your character
Added a shove attack (Default bind “F”)
- Shoving can be done from any standing state
- Shoving can be done while holding weapons
- Shoving will stagger infected and players
Added new player spawning system
- Respawning characters will in certain regions of the map be moved from their last location to a respawn location outside of the map region they logged out in. Most high traffic areas will use this region spawning mechanic.
- Fresh characters will spawn at random spawns along coastlines favoring the ones furthest from other players.
- Also changed player spawn locations to be more distant from towns and areas with numerous infected
Added more cases for player death messages
- Differentiated starving and thirst
- Changed death message for falling into the volcano
- Added support for boxing and melee weapon kills
Changed loot spawning system
- Tweaked various item spawn rates
- Changed most loot categories and spawn locations to be more specific (you won’t find a Chef hat in some random wardrobe anymore)
- Tuned the amount of ammo firearms spawn with
Changed contextual controls to be more state specific
- Climbing is now more specific
- Weapon controls are more specific
- Display order tweaked for better context accuracy
Changed most firearm display names to include additional context
Changed attachment display names to avoid copyright
Changed lighting to compatability mode and tweaked atmosphere
Upgraded textures for most of the Roblox-created hats available in-game
Increased Beef Jerky value to 25 instead of 15
Optimized and in some cases removed various server loops
World interaction UI now better shows what you’re interacting with
Rewrote day counter system to better reflect time played
Non equipped firearms can no longer be hotbar slotted
Reorganized data saving order on player leave to prevent death cheating
Patched various exploits and improved various security weakpoints
Fixed various parts of the infected respawn system
Fixed sensitivity scaling with higher zoom scopes
Fixed the “look direction lock” action not freezing move direction
Fixed infected and players standing up after dying
Fixed a lot of roblox injected scripts not being cleaned up
Rewrote character animation replication
- Less performance intesntive for clients
- Better playback replication of one off animations
- Better integration with other character systems
Rewrote, optimized, and bug fixed raycasting methods
- All raycasting uses a better standard system across the board
- Raycasting made more performant in many circumstances
- fixed raycasting related bugs across the board
Rewrote sound playback systems
- Fixed many cases of sounds failing to play
- Sounds should no longer cut out on death
- Sound cleanup and managment better across the board
Rewrote parts of the client character controler
- Character direction should be more responsive to inputs
- Character states should better transition
- Added support for various melee states
- Fixed various server replication and validation issues
- Rubber banding now provides the client with some feedback and should be less common
Rewrote loading screen
- Better displays the current loading item
- Tweaks to better prevent freezing on start