Firearms and items
- added two new weapon skins
- added prisoner and prison guard outfits to find and unlock
- added Shiv and Baton melee weapon
- slightly reduced Thompson recoil
- slightly reduced PSG-1 sway when aiming
- slightly reduced Rifle Scope sway when attached to a firearm
- slightly reduced Model 788 sway, and slightly increased effective range
- removed some melee weapons ability to hit multiple targets in one swing (especially knives)
- changed Health Booster to provide 25 hitpoints, and last for 50 seconds
- changed Military Health Booster to provide 50 hitpoints, and last for 50 seconds
- added Prison island (Albatross island)
- increased playercount to 25 with a server maximum of 30
- added new spawn locations for fresh and rejoining players, and removed spawn locations near Naval Air Station
- reworked how the world loads around your character to be smoother and more consistent in most cases
- corpses now float on water and fall to the ground more consistently
- added new infected run animation and adjusted look animations
- adjusted cases in which infected spawn and despawn
- added auto run key and fixed “afk walk” chat bug
- added new jumping animations, adjusted falling animation
- added camera animations for vaulting and fall impacts
- character animations made more responsive to inputs
- removed boxing feature from the game (may return in the form of a boxing gloves melee weapon in the future)
- improved item equip and unequip times
- you can no longer shoot firearms when in air
- made changes to canceling reloads and weapon zooming
- added automatic unequip and reequip during 2 handed actions
- adjusted animations for various consumables
- at ease/holster behavior now unlocks your mouse
- lowered character jump height, but retained character jump distance
- movement speed is now maintained while in air
- ladders no longer need to be clicked, mounting is now automatic
- characters can now vault over hip-height ledges
- characters will grab onto and climb ledges higher then them
- automatic vaulting can be made manual (jump key) in the settings menu
- vaulting and ledge grabbing is always automatic when in air
- improved physics collision hitboxes so characters don’t catch on surfaces as often
- added a new civilian “Swing Keel Boat”
- added vehicle lights, sirens, and reworked how horns work
- added new boat engine sounds
- added new vehicle impact sounds
- adjusted suspension physics on all vehicles
- reworked boat physics to be more stable
- reworked boat animations to be less physics impacting
- adjusted impact and damage hitboxes for all vehicles
- shooting at a vehicle provides feedback regarding where you hit it, instead of damage numbers
- slightly improved infected and vehicle physics interactions
- added numerous spawn locations for the aluminum boat, and increased the max amount allowed in a server
- removed storage capacity on the aluminum boat
User interface
- added pickup and drop sound effects for various items in the inventory
- improved inventory item rotation when dragging
- reworked firearm scope sights to have less shake on the sight picture (not model)
- changed what keybinds are displayed on screen at different times
- fixed “reset to default” settings and keybinds visually not updating settings
- fixed a layering issue with some setting dropdown menus
- reworked bolding and tweening on bullet damage feedback UI
- reset all settings to new defaults
- settings can now be individually reset to default by the developers
- camera zoom out for vaulting, fall impact, and climbing
- toggle for automatic or manual vaulting (jump key)
- adjusted default-on debug settings to be less cluttered
- reset all keybinds to new defaults
- added auto run keybind
- keybind system better supports multiple binds to the same key
- keybinds can now be individually reset to default by the developers
- new keybinds for vehicle lights and sirens
General back-end changes
- refactored a number of back-end systems for better memory management
- optimized replication calls for animations and physics systems
- refactored client and server character controllers
- cleaned up order of operations for client inventory UI drawing
- optimized inventory replication to clients
- fixed certain causes of the vicinity container stacking items improperly
- improved performance when walking over large piles of loot
- improved animation LoD performance for out of sight animations
- infected more consistently agro when taking damage at a distance