Apollo's Portfolio

About Me

Hello! My name is LastApollo. I am a 3D modeler and environmental designer/landscape artist. I focus my skills on broad modeling skills and understanding landscapes and agricultural design.


Hear is some of my previous work

2019 Work

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image (upload://4gtxM1MvjwasTZhDEB9hpMYkS8r.jpeg) image

2020 Work

2021 Work


Game Links

Past Jobs

Farming Frenzy I was one of the lead modelers for the game Farming Frenzy when it first started out. My job shifted between modeling various assets from tools to buildings to designing the map and terrain.

Limited Champions I designed the map for limited champions with a smooth simple design. The map is also layer out in a way for peak flow and aesthetic appeal.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum, through discord at LastApollo#2884, or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/LastApolloRBX


Apollo is a good guy, I’m sure he wouldn’t let anyone down.