Apple isn't falling from tree, even though Anchored is false

I made an apple tree in my survival game, and it worked until today. I don’t know why, I don’t remember changing anything that concerned the apple tree.
(in the image, the apples are all bunched up together, and stuck. They are supposed to spawn once every 30 seconds at a specified part of the apple tree (which still works).

I don’t know why this is happening, all the parts of the apple have Anchored as false, and there are no parts that stop it from moving.

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Can we see the script making them fall?

It’s basically just a script that clones the apple into a specified position.

while true do
	local AppleClone = apple:Clone() -- clone apple
	AppleClone.AppleTop.Position = apple.AppleTop.Position -- move the parts of the apple to the fake apple's position
	AppleClone.Handle.Position = apple.Handle.Position
	AppleClone.AppleTop.CanCollide = true -- set cancollide and anchored to true/false for both parts of the apple
	AppleClone.AppleTop.Anchored = false
	AppleClone.Handle.CanCollide = true
	AppleClone.Handle.Anchored = false
	AppleClone.Parent = game.Workspace

	game.ReplicatedStorage.AppleSpawn:Fire(AppleClone,"Planted",script.Parent) -- event that destroys apple after 30 seconds if it is not picked up

	apple.AppleTop.Transparency = 0
	apple.Handle.Transparency = 0

Yo, one of ROBLOX’s default games should have this exact script in them. I think it was the “Village” preset. Try using that.

(how the hell did it count as a reply? i replied to the post)

I made this script myself, I did not copy it…

I’m saying you can copy it, not you did.

Oh, ok. But I want to figure out why the problem stated in the original post is happening, especially since it was working fine for the past month until today.

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Are you sure there’s nothing inside of the fake Apple that has CanCollide on?

Cancollide is on for the apples, so they don’t fall into the void, but that has never been a problem in the past because the apple could just squeeze it’s way out, and even if I go into the server view when the apple is stuck, and move the apple away, it just floats there.

I get that the falling apples need CanCollide on but the apple that doesn’t fall just needs to be anchored. So try changing the TopPosition Apple’s CanCollide to false so the falling apples don’t get stuck in it but go through it.

Oh, i’m an idiot - I just realized I set gravity to zero!


Lol! Good thing that’s an easy fix!