So I saw someone making an application center, (@saouvs Note: Cool UIs.) Check out their post here. and I wanted to try it out myself. (Not to best them, but to challenge myself)
I made all of the GUIs myself. (Hence the crappy UI design). It’s getting there. And I scripted all of it myself. I’m pretty happy about completing it. Because you know, ADHD isn’t helpful when scripting.
I made sure it was customizable with a ModuleScript. One in the replicated storage to provide questions for the client, and one in the serverStorage within the Answer Checker. The main scripts (not the module scripts) consisted of around 200 lines of code. And guess what (achievement unlocked!): I didn’t use a single wait()
or while
loops. I only utilized :Wait()
to make my code as extremely efficient as possible. Once I finish smoothing out everything, I plan on making it open sourced. So all of you friendly people can use it yourself. (With all the crappy UI included. )
Feedback is greatly appreciated. (I’m aware of how bland the background looks.)
Also, try it out here: