ApplyDescription cannot work twice or after character change

Working on a avatar editor, my last topic couldn’t get resolved due to a engine bug, thus i am making an alternative to make a rig that would follow live the same description as the local player character in a loop by calling ApplyDescription multiple times, however it does not seem to work, it only ApplyDescription once and if there is any changes in the player character, it will not get applied to the rig, even before the loop is fired, if i remove 1 hat on the server from my character then call in the loop, it would still show the old hat on the rig. How do i fix this?

	local rig = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AvatarEditorCharacter")
	local rig = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AvatarEditorCharacter"):Clone() 
	rig.Parent = workspace
	local newCFrame =, -120, 105.5)
	local desc = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
	while rig and rig.Parent and rig.Parent == workspace do
		if rig:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
			local desc2 = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):GetAppliedDescription()
			desc2 = nil

Any help given is appreciated.

I’m abandonning the idea of using a rig to display the player clothing, teleporting the player character itself would be far more easier due to Roblox engine bugs with its limitations regarding avatar editing on the client for rigs

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