ApplyDescription through certain Body Parts now breaks animations on the Roblox Client


I can’t reproduce this on Studio, I am not sure if there’s a Fast Flag. I am having assumptions that it is related to the Animator or Motor6D.

Stopping all the Animator’s animations, doesn’t even solve the issue. I don’t even know where this issue “lives” at.

When you swap HumanoidDescriptions with ApplyDescription it started to break your joints. And this doesn’t fix itself by stopping the animations or anything. It just persists unless you reset your character or do more ApplyDescription magic.

Re-production Steps

  • You have to upload the .rbxl file I sent on Roblox and launch the Bug Testing game on the Client.
  • You have to click on the Red Button and just observe what happens

The red button basically changes your Avatar into a random player’s avatar that I took which I encountered this issue on.

Expected Result

Actual Result


A private message is associated with this bug report

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hi @HealthyKarl, there was an update last week which should hopefully fix this problem. Please let me know if it resolved this issue for you.

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I can’t re-produce that issue anymore.

So, I guess it was fixed!



Why could I only re-produce this in the Client though, and not in Studio?

And was the issue originally related to “Animation Retargeting” ?


What’s a New UGC Character?

Yes, the issue was with animation retargeting.

The problem was with how we were caching the retargeting adjustment we need to make for a given rig. There was a bug where it wasn’t being updated properly when parts stream in.

So, it was possible to reproduce this in studio, however, streaming is usually more consistent and faster than when running a pure client.

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If I’d set Replication Latency on my Studio, would that help with making streaming less consistent for debugging, or not?

Yes, playing with the replication latency would make it easier to detect issues like this. I think that’s what I originally did to help find the root cause.

Re: UGC characters. Ignore that release note, it is an error. I’m seeing if we can take that down to avoid confusion. Thanks for pointing it out!

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