What solutions have you tried so far?
Well, my problem before was trying to use something other than Velocity i found Applyimpluse but cant get it to work (._.’
Code here
- delay(.005, function()
local Explosion = Instance.new('Explosion')
Explosion.Position = ProjctiePos
Explosion.Parent = DestructibleObj.PrimaryPart
local AIM = CFrame.new(ProjctiePos, Object.Position)
local ThrowinVel = AIM.LookVector * (workspace.Gravity*Force) --30Max 5lvls
local ObjectChildren = Object:GetChildren()
for i = 1, #ObjectChildren do
if ObjectChildren[i]then
ObjectChildren[i]:ApplyImpulseAtPosition(ThrowinVel,ObjectChildren[i].Position) -- issue is here