Applying animations to a loaded character

Hi! I’m working on a game, and i have a script that loads the character using Humanoid:ApplyDescription, but it doesn’t add the Animation script. I want it to load the animation script with the loaded user’s animations (with their animation pack)

Currently this is everything the script does:

game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdateUUID.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, text)
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Have you tried Player:LoadCharacter()?

Player:LoadCharacter() loads the local players character, i have an input for a users name, that gets turned into an user id, and from that user id i load the character. I thought about Player:LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription but that would just turn the players character into the one specified from what i know. I need to load another players character, specified by the player :slight_smile:

Nevermind, i just put an Animate script in it and it automatically loads the animations. lol

You could’ve used a remote event too, but I see you got the solution. Good thinking.