In short, I am looking for a way to disable newtons 3rd law. I am trying to achieve a physically simulated blimp balloon type thing, and for me to get away with using physics I need some way to prevent players from applying forces to the larger structure, but they obviously still need to collide with it. I have already made the player massless, and I am using body forces as a buoyant force, but the player standing on the object will still make it sink. Is there any way to prevent an object from applying forces to another, but retain the forces in the other direction?
you may be able to use SetNetworkOwner to lock all parts you dont want players to apply physics forces on
I understand the idea, but that just delays any forces applied to the balloon.
if you wanna go the bodymover route you could constantly update a BodyPosition to achieve movement, this will also in theory snap back to the correct position if a force large enough to move it is put on it
Yeah, Iām trying to keep it physically simulated so that say, two balloons could collide
well it seems kinda hard if you wanna have physically stimulated objects without players being able to do anything with it. now im not sure what type of game the blimps are being used in but maybe you could have different tiers of blimps, each bigger than the last which would also up its max player capacity. this would turn a problem into more of a cap/feature that could be used in gameplay
really it is stability that i would like this for, because players jumping among other things can cause it to sink down when it shouldnt
to make sure that the part does not move, you could maybe turn up the P property on the bodymovers? P to my understanding is the rigidity of the force applied to the part. I tested this in studio by jumping on a part with a bodyposition and bodygyro both with a high P property and it was not affected by my jumps.