Applying HumanoidDescription with Face Id does not work

When changing Face, I set it to the Face Id and then use ApplyDescription to update the character, however, you can see it just deletes the decal and does nothing.

Please note the Id at the start of the video and the end. I have the same face Id on the HumanoidDescription, yet when I try applying it via code it doesn’t work

function AvatarEditorController:EditFace(face)
	self.Dummy.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription.Face = face


-- Called when the HumanoidDescription on our player changes
function AvatarEditorController:EditDummy(humanoidDescription)
	if not self.Dummy then


	-- Move adjust dummy position
	self.Dummy:PivotTo(workspace.AvatarEditor.DummySpawn:GetPivot() +, self.Dummy.Humanoid.HipHeight, 0))

Obvious work around is to just change the decal id, however this is not ideal for my circumstances. The HumanoidDescription has a Face property, thus it should be changing the face

Expected behavior

The face on the character to change correctly.

you shouldn’t edit the HumanoidDescription found beneath the Humanoid. That is edited for you when you call Humanoid:ApplyDescription(). In your code, change the EditFace() function to the following to see if it helps:

function AvatarEditorController:EditFace(face)
	local clone = self.Dummy.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription:Clone()
	clone.Face = face

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