Applying knockback

I want to apply knockback from a sword on a player character from the server similar to how far it does in roblox bedwars at 60 FPS (video example
I want it to overpower player movement

I have tried a few things but they have either done very little next to none and sometimes none or work if hit once and send you flying away if your hit a few times
I don’t want it to send ya flying

I already have a direction to apply the knockback (via CFrame.LookVector) and everything else to go with the sword

(I also don’t want it to be affected by FPS)

You could use a BodyVelocity in the player’s character’s HumanoidRootPart.

BodyVelocity is deprecated and I would prefer not to have to use it

Perhaps instead you could try using a VectorForce or LinearVelocity instead? For those that I mentioned you do also need to instance an attachment to what you want to move as well but generally I think they work the same or similarly to the deprecated BodyVelocity

I tried to use a VectorForce and went to very high numbers to get any knockback then if I hit again it would stack and make them literally fly across the world so im lost on those

There’s a method called BasePart:ApplyImpulse() you could use. Here’s a link to the developer docs page of the method:

I thought about it but that requires me to call it on the client so I would have to send a remote event over to the player and that doesn’t make much sense to me