Hello, I’m looking to get different perspectives on how to handle the approach to doors for a monster ai which then proceeds to bash down the door;
The help I am seeking is regarding methods, currently I’ve set up pathfinding links between the front and backside of doorways to allow the ai to move into the doorway/door despite an apparent blockage. This solution worked until extra door blockages are within i.e. 2+ door blockages exist within" → [] → [] → closed off room]
This causes the ai to stop computing a path. A solution I came up with was to use larger jumper links (from start to end) since individual links do not facilitate the necessary pathfinding; they do not work hand in hand together to help compute a path, however a single large jumper link satisfies the issue but depending on how many doors exists more jumper cables are needed
however a bigger issue occured, this big link causes the ai to repeatedly go forward /backwards after completing the door bash. so then a new solution needed to be identified–while I came up with a potential solution, its just not ideal. I would need to constantly obtain the dot product of where the ai is facing in respect to each individual door, alternate larger jumper cables where one’s face is disabled and inactive when the ai is not “looking” in its direction once a door bash completes, normal path link will be reinstated and the associated jumper links connected to itself would be disabled permanently,
(lets say its going Left->Right, the right->left jumpers need to be disabled)
these are the diagrams using pathfinding links:
The most recent issue has prompted me to turn for assistance since I don’t think calculating the dotproduct for the ai’s fov often is an optimal solution, but its the best I’ve got theorized at this point and probably will resort to if nothing comes of this
*initial links are the large jumper cables