Before I start, I would point out that I stringently considered what category to post this but since the more then inconvenient closure of the parent category forum feedback I felt this was the most appropriate and in a way posting it in #forum-feedback:forum-bugs I personally find humorous given the nature of the post.
Recently I have noticed a huge portion of bug reports in #bug-reports being either removed / locked / critiqued / minimoded for not being ‘bugs’ and instead feature requests, however for the sake of forming a constructive and rule abiding argument I will only discuss and/or make complaints about the latter 2 options.
The main argument against some bugs being reported in #bug-reports is that they are more features and something to be added / modified then something that is unintentional, however if we were to examine more closely what a bug is it is, to quote wikipedia:
‘an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an unexpected or incorrect result’
Therefor if the reported behaviour is because it is creating an output that from a user perspective is either unexpected or incorrect it is still a bug regardless of if it has always been that way / was never designed to not be that way, and therefor posts should be handled under that definition and only moved to feature requests if it is suggesting something entirely new.