Aquarium Pools | Looking for developers

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Hello, my name is LightningBlazes1 and I am a Co-Owner for a game called Aquarium Pools! Aquarium Pools is looking for some good developers who know how to work their way around studio and more!

1+ year of experience
Proof of past work
Must be 13+ years old
Must have Dizzy
Must be able to work well with other developers
Be active at least 2-3 hours a day

The Team
@iiDipManii - Owner
@LightningBlazes1 - Co-Owner/UI Designer
@1Gamerboy3600 - Co-Owner
@forhire - Scripter
@Noctarious - Builder

Here are some pictures of are recent work!

We are looking for professional developers who have past experience and can do their job efficiently and well. You must be able to follow all orders and be active.

You must be able to script things such as NPC Dialog, UI, Working Tools, and more.

You must be able to build things such as Reception, Waterslides, Pool, and models such as palm trees, and more.

We will pay you a percentage of the games earnings.
Scripter: %30
Builder: %25

You can contact us here on Devforum or through Discord
Discord: LightningBlazes1#9101

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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