Arcadian External Facilities Regulations


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These rules are applicable to all external raiding facilities under the Union of Arcadia’s jurisdiction. By raiding any Arcadian facility, you agree to the following terms and are held accountable to any reprimands caused by failure to comply to these rules.

Global Rules and Regulations

  • Glitching is not permitted in any instance. This includes frog jumping and flinging.
  • Alternative accounts are not permitted.
  • No camouflage may be worn (defined as intentionally wearing colors that blend into the terrain/building colors).
  • Uniform raiding is not permitted.
  • Individuals on the facility blacklist ( are automatically removed, however, we reserve the right to kick/ban suspected cheaters.
  • If an individual is caught glitching, the whole team will be respawned without warning.

Private Servers

  • Private servers use the same game as the regular raid instances. Just make a VIP server.
  • The admin panel is located in the bottom left. You can add both individuals and groups.
    • For individual, you can input either name or ID, you don’t need to do both.
    • Make sure you press save. Permissions recognized by the server have a gold bar to the left of the entity.
  • Commands can be found using !cmds or the following link (REAPER Admin Commands - Google Docs). The basic ones are listed below.
    • <!valid> Validates the server, requires setting raid and defense leaders
    • <!dtvalid> Validates the server, bypassing setting raid and defense leaders
    • <!setleader [TEAM]> Sets a team leader name. [TEAM] should be the team name
    • <!slock/unslock> Locks and unlocks the server respectively
    • <!dlock/dunlock> Disables and enables damage respectively

Specific Base Information

Rosewood Outpost
  • Numbers for this base can be played from 8v12 to 10v15 (2:3 ratio). Anything above the minimum raider count (12) that does not match up to a 2:3 ratio may be played with the defender team rounded up to the next number. Numbers are static.
  • Mountains that are not readily accessible are not allowed.
  • The base is made up of three objectives, listed out below.
    1. Terminal [5 minutes, instant reset]
    2. Domination [20 minutes, 4 points]
    3. Terminal [12 minutes, 3-second rollback]
Blacksite Argentum
  • Numbers for this base can be played from 4v4 to 10v10. Numbers are static.
  • The first team to achieve 900 seconds on the points win.
  • The point continually moves around the map every 90 seconds, with a 3 second capture time.
Umbra Station
  • Numbers for this base can be played from 8v8 to 15v15. Numbers are static.
  • The first team to achieve 900 seconds on the points win.
  • The point continually moves around the map every 120 seconds, with a 3 second capture time.
  • Numbers for this base can be played from 5v6-8v9. Numbers are static. Lower numbers can be requested, however cannot be guaranteed.
  • The base is made up of two objectives, listed out below.
    1. Terminal [3 minutes, 1.5-second rollback]
    2. Terminal [7 minutes, 1.5-second rollback]

Last updated on 3/26/23