ArcHandles.Color3 doesn't work as expected

ArcHandles.Color3 only affects the tiny boxes within each handle, rather than recoloring the entire thing at once.

Handles, which are very similar to ArcHandles in just about every other aspect, have their entire color denoted by their Color3 rather than just the boxes.

Why are ArcHandles an exception here?



While this may get dismissed as “intended functionality”, I would support revising how they work. If I want red-green-blue archandles, it would make sense to have to do that manually. I would even support breaking backwards compatibility (even though I believe my build tool relies on this feature for good UI).

That’s basically what I do for regular handles. RGB corresponds to XYZ along the positive axes, then I do some other color for the other 3 axes (orange or blue). It requires extra handles, but I would argue it requires the right number of handles for the amount of customization I’m demanding.

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Not sure we can change this without adding another property. Making ArcHandles just use the Color3 directly would result in the following:

The color coding is necessary for the Studio UI.

You could create 3 separate ArcHandles and disable all but one axis. That’s what I do for resize/drag handles which have the same problem already.


Uhh… the studio tools aren’t constantly changing ArcHandles.Color3 multiple times every second, are they?

No, they are not, should have been more clear with what I was showing. I just changed the color for demonstration, the problem is that studio ArcHandles uses one ArcHandles for all three axes. We would have to change this to fix this bug and it’s not a backwards compatible change. It will also break anyone other plugins using ArcHandles.

On the flip side, they can be made forward compatible. 3 separate ArcHandles colored red/green/blue for x/y/z will look the same before and after any switch. You can do all the studio tools (only one tool?) before making any change. Same can be said for independent plugin developers if you give them advance notice of the switch.

And even if plugins “break,” they won’t break in a critical manner – i.e., the only downside is now it’s harder to figure out which axes are x, y, and z.

I glossed over this comment before, but I can second it.

I do the same thing. It allows me to get whatever level of color customization I want for each axis by doing a small amount of extra effort.