Notice how the message Mouse up! is only printed when releasing the mouse inside the orb you selected. If you press down on the orb and move your mouse away before releasing, the event will not fire.
I have been using UIS.InputEnded for a while now, but am trying to make the same tools that are available to PC players available to mobile players as well. I don’t think I can use InputEnded when dealing with mobile as they can tap in multiple places at the same time, and the finger they release may not be the one on the ArcHandles object. Thanks anyway, though
How would you go about checking if the finger was the one using the ArcHandles? I can’t think of a way to do that. You’d need to know the position of the point they were dragging on the ArcHandles, plus be able to compensate for any movement on the Normal to the Axis they are dragging (their finger could be on the opposite side of the phone but still be the one on the ArcHandles object).