Archimedes Resize Bug

I’m experiencing an issue where when I use Archimedes it resizes it to a smaller size, (the original size before changing it. Please help me.

It’s been happening to me alot and I’ve tried to make a new road model, but then Archimedes just adds massive gaps.

Please help.


I’m not familiar with Archimedes but since you’re making a road, will duplicating the parts you want work?


ungroup and regroup model

this is likely because of the Model.Scale property isn’t accounted for with the current plugin version


In addition to what Aboray_Studios said, I would also recommend that you scale out the road when you have straightaways. Perhaps the picture you attached is just an example versus actual practice, but to reduce lag I would recommend having a straightaway be all one piece, and then resizing the end of it to what you have there should you make a turn or change in level.