I’m trying to save a clone of an A-Chassis vehicle into a folder(6C 1.15), and and then load said clone back into the Workspace later on. Although the physical instance of the vehicle is preserved just as it should be, the Plugins folder (parented to A-Chassis Tune) doesn’t end up as part of the clone despite both things being Archivable.
The chassis won’t initialize without it when the new clone is loaded, so the car won’t run.
What should I do?
I know grabbing it by it’s physical instance on collision is unorthodox, but it fits my (unrelated) use case.
local part = script.Parent
local function StorageDetectorHitbox(otherPart)
if otherPart.Name == "StorageDetectorHitbox" then
--what should happen to this script's parent
local clone = otherPart.Parent.Parent:Clone()
clone.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage.CarTestFolder -- anything you need it parented to
wait (0.05)
Parent structure: