Archive is not working correctly

Lately, clicking “Archive” from within a message has been archiving the message above it in the inbox either instead of or in addition to the correct message. Happens for both read and unread messages.

Look at robber187’s message in the beginning. It’s in my inbox, but I click the message below it and archive it, and both messages end up archived. This gets really annoying when reading 180 messages every day.

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What browser are you using? It is not working for me on Chrome (has ROBLOX+), but works fine for Internet Explorer 11.

Yeah, Chrome. No extensions. Also happens on iPad in Safari.

Is this still happening?

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Yes, it sometimes archives a message above a message that I’m trying to archive. I’ll try and see if I can repro it reliably later.

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Thanks, because I just tried reproducing this several times on Chrome and didn’t see it. Also great work with the gif, super helpful for reproduction steps.

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I’m not actually sure what causes it, I’ve been trying to reproduce it by archiving/inboxing a ton of things rapidly while reading PMs and it doesn’t do it now.

A few days ago I had it happen multiple times in a session though, I literally just found an unread message in my Archive that I missed due to this.

If it pops up again I’ll try and see if I can remember everything I did to cause it.

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Alright, I’m going to close the bug as could not reproduce. I’ll be watching this post, if it happens again post a reply with the best steps to reproduce that you can gather and I’ll re-open the bug.

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It still happens frequently but the actions that trigger it are very strange. This is what I did this time:

  • I opened an unread message about halfway down the page
  • I replied to the message after a while
  • Instead of clicking Archive I accidentally clicked the Sent tab
  • Went back to inbox (and noticed top message wasn’t there anymore, the message that I didn’t archive was still there (read) as it should be)
  • Went to archive and the missing unread message in inbox was there

I should note that I still cannot reliably reproduce this, it seems to be some kind of race condition.

It seems to be always the top message that goes into archive erroneously, maybe that may help?

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Happens frequently when I receive a message while reading another message. The message I’m reading is say, the nth message in my inbox. When I receive a message, it becomes the (n + 1)th message in my inbox. However, when I archive that message, it often archives the position the message was when I opened the message. So it will archive the nth message, which is not the message I was reading anymore.

So it often happens that I’m reading the first message, I get a new message (which becomes the first), and when I archive the message I was reading (now the second), it archives the new message instead.

I don’t think this is a complete explanation of what is going on, but it appears that the Roblox inbox identifies messages by index instead of unique IDs, or something along those lines, and this contributes.

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I think that’s a separate problem though, but good to mention regardless. I didn’t receive a new message during the steps in my previous post.

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