Archived experience places are still being listed

Reproduction Steps

Several places from archived experiences still appear in the Places list

Expected Behavior

Archived experience places should no longer appear on the website

Actual Behavior

Archived experience places still appear on the website:

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Create - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


Hey @rogeriodec_games , we’re in the process of deprecating and redirecting over to Creator Dashboard ( for all of these items listed under These old pages will likely not see any behavior changes or bug fixes for that reason.

On Creator Dashboard you can click into an experience tile and then see all of its attached places. If this does not satisfy some use case you have for viewing places, please file a feature request to let us know!


However, this bug remains active:

Thanks! Looks like the team is already aware based on the response there.

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