Receiving a day ban for a layered clothing asset that Is already archived. I took the step of archiving all my layered clothing items because I’ve seen a lot of creators having issues with AI moderation lately with LC.
To stay on the safe side, I took the extra step of archiving all my layered clothing items to prevent any potential problems. Despite this, one of my archived items was still flagged, and I ended up with a ban from AI moderation.
I’ve been careful to avoid issues, and it’s frustrating to still end up penalized.
Moderated Archived asset ID: 17015483130
Moderating archived avatar assets is really important because even if a specific UGC is archived, those who have purchased it can still freely use it anywhere on Roblox. They continue to exist on the platform, and if they violate the rules, they need to be removed to ensure they no longer remain on the platform.
However, I think the real issue here is not the deletion of archived items but rather the fact that you’re being moderated for it. If you’ve archived an item, it means you no longer want it hosted on the website, and you’ve willingly agreed to hide it from the marketplace without aiming for further profit. In that case, it seems more reasonable that no action should be taken against your account, since no one can purchase that item anymore, and unless someone already owns it, they can’t even find it in the catalog. The person reporting it is likely targeting you, which opens the door to exploiting the platform. If you explain the situation to Roblox Support, I genuinely believe they could reverse the moderation.
Additionally, these items remained available on the platform for six months without any issues (you are required to wait 180 days to archive UGC items). I simply cannot understand why Roblox would turn around and moderate someone’s account for an item that was archived after 6 months.
“Some time” means half a year, and in such a long period, it’s likely for an item to be moderated. As someone who actively follows inappropriate and deleted UGC items, I can say that even a few weeks would be too long for such items. I remember that items can still be reported, but I find it absurd for action to be taken on the account after such a period.
This is kinda bad.
I agree with moderating an asset, however I don’t think that there should be any ban for the user. This basically makes the archival process useless.
There’s no point in archiving items if you get banned for them? I thought the whole point of this was to prevent creators from getting banned by uploading items that in the past didn’t break any rules or copyrighted content.
This needs to get fixed, and while the asset gets deleted, the uploader shouldn’t get banned for it.
Yeah this is honestly ridiculous, nothing less to expect of moderation but they seriously need to give the AI they use to start banwave of layered clothing restrictions on what can and can’t be moderated, or at least what qualifies as a warning instead of a ban, especially in cases like this where items have already been archived as a temporary solution to get rid of them.
Wasn’t the whole point of archiving a asset to not get moderated for it? They also say at the ticket when archiving assets:
“No strike or moderation action should be applied to your account as a result of this request” so why does this happen. This is mostlikely a manual archive but this still shouldn’t moderate people
It doesn’t really have much to do with what you’re saying; it just means that as a “result of that request,” no moderation action will be taken. Otherwise, the item is still subject to moderation.
So i went back to this post randomly and i don’t really get what you’re saying as manually archived assets aren’t suppose to be subject for moderation at all and this is just a error
Edit: I don’t exactly know what was the reason on why it got moderated but it should only be able to get moderated if it gets copyright striked even if it is archived which i don’t understand the reason of unless you can still wear it ingame
The staff member explains that the process of archiving itself won’t lead to moderation or consequences, but it doesn’t mean the item is exempt from moderation at all—it just means no action is taken due to the archiving process itself.
I wrote the exact same thing a week ago. This does not mean that the item will never be moderated; it only means that no action will be taken when you click that button or do whatever for archiving. Actually, if this weren’t the case, the phrase “An archived item may still be the subject of an IP takedown report” shouldn’t even apply.
I even think saying what you’re claiming wouldn’t be legally or ethically possible, which is why there are various disclaimers, as you mentioned in your edit. Moreover, you can see the same in the various documents Roblox has produced for the Marketplace.
Gotta bump this post because this is unacceptable. What’s the point of archiving items we no longer want on the platform if we’re still getting banned for them?
Might as well not archive them at all and continue to make money off them since they’re still going to get users moderated. This needs to get fixed
Archiving items should not be used as a method to evade moderation, especially if you know what you’ve uploaded is against the rules. If archived assets were completely immune from moderation, this would allow them to be used in-game and if, for example, the item was disgustingly sexual content, this means the item could never be moderated. Not a good idea.
What I uploaded wasn’t against the rules, it was a half life 2 asset which it’s only against the rules if the trademark holder decides it. (it was in no shape or form PII)
Getting moderated for archived assets wouldn’t be a big deal if they didn’t mention that you shouldn’t get moderated for it.
Would also be great if they gave us an actual way of deleting items you want to get taken down off the platform because you believe the item doesn’t follow the community standards anymore, or it’s something you had no idea was bad/offensive/inappropriate, which can get you banned even though you meant no harm.
I think moderation for inappropriate assets such as bypassing bad words should still get users moderated, but as the offense is less bad, I think it should get to a point where the user doesn’t get moderated for it. They attempted to take it down, and they did the most they could.
And what about the numerous cases where someone uploaded something at some point completely unaware that it broke any rules, but later when they looked back at it realized it did and decided to try and archive it? Those people aren’t “evading moderation” as much as they are realizing their error and trying to correct it.
In my images, I have a former group logo, where it’s a screenshot from a game, in the background, somebody had said “ill drown you”, and I wish I could delete this image, as I don’t want to be moderated for it.
It’s unlikely but I’d hate to get a banning or warn for a group logo I made when I was 11, not even realizing a threat in the background.