Reproduction Steps
Simply archiving any mesh, you will see that it only archives the MeshPart [which is the “front facing” piece of the puzzle.]
The backend Mesh, still is active, and thus useable in games. The whole point of archiving is to eliminate access of the use of that particular model, and often times this is a feature I have to use when someone Synapses my game. It has been over 12 hours since I archived about 30-40 meshes, and they’re all still up. In that time, someone can have unauthorized access to them, and do malicious things with them…
Expected Behavior
When I archive a mesh, it’s expected that both the MeshPart [which has the archive button in it’s configure page] and the Mesh [the linked “asset” object] should be archived.
Actual Behavior
One can see that while the MeshPart object has been archived, the linked Mesh has not.
Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Create - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly