Archived posts should not be able to be flagged

I think that if an inappropriate post was already resolved by a Community Sage - for example, a post getting archived because it discussed a topic that was resolved already, it should not be able to be flagged. Why? Well, here’s my case:

I accidentally posted something in a different category. After noticing, I immediately replied, saying that I posted it in the wrong category and that I request the post to be deleted/moved. 2 hours later, an CS actually went and archived the post. But a day after that, I got told that my post was flagged. I tried discussing that my post was already removed by a CS, but I only got (what I think was) a canned response which didn’t mention anything about how my post got already removed before being flagged.

So, I suggest locking the Flag option if a post has been archived. If a post is archived, it usually means that it had already been resolved by a Community Sage.

Well, maybe locking the Flag option entirely isn’t a good idea, but I haven’t thought about any other prevention of these cases.

This cannot be done by Roblox. You can suggest this in Discourse Meta - the official forum for Discourse which is used by Roblox to make this forum.


If the post is archived nobody will bother flagging it because action has already been taken. This is a non-issue.

Yes it can. But usually core discourse features aren’t modified.

Note that my post got flagged after it got archived.

If it was to point where a sage had to archive a post then it deserves any and all flags it gets. Not talking about you only. In general.

Posts can be archived only by CS’s. Or at least I don’t see any archive options. And I also requested deletion of my post.

So what’s the issue? Why shouldn’t we be able to flag after archiving? Don’t get me wrong, but flagging seems to be a solution to get rid your misplaced post.

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UPDATE: I requested this on Discourse Meta, this is what I got from staff:

This basically sums it up. Discourse won’t add it because it interferes with other features and is such an uncommon issue.

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