[ARCHIVED] RemoteEventManager

Hey there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, here to share another utility module in a similar style to my ConnectionController module. This time, it’s a RemoteEvent wrapper that adds some bandwidth optimisations and a block list. It also organises RemoteEvents in a folder that appear upon running so they don’t clutter your explorer!

Here’s a quick overview of the functions:

Main Functions
  • addEvent("name") puts a RemoteEvent into the folder within the module, with the chosen name. The function also returns the RemoteEvent instance.

  • removeEvent("name") destroys the named RemoteEvent.

  • addListener("name", function) runs the function when the named RemoteEvent is fired and automatically determines whether it’s the server or the client.

  • removeListener("name") disconnects the named RemoteEvent but doesn’t destroy it, meaning it can be reused.

  • fireEvent("name", plr, ...) fires the named RemoteEvent, passing on the defined parameters. Automatically determines whether it’s the server or the client. If it’s the client, plr is treated as a normal parameter due to the Player who fired the server passing on natively.

  • fireAllClients("name", ...) fires server → all clients, passing on the defined parameters.

  • blockClient(Player, toggle) doesn’t stop the client from firing RemoteEvents, but causes the server to reject their requests. If toggle is true, the client will be blocked and visa versa.

Once again, I hope you find this asset useful for organising your game’s backend :video_game:, here’s the module (make sure to put it in ReplicatedStorage):

RemoteEventManager Code
local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local eventFolder = script:WaitForChild("Events")

local client = runService:IsClient()
local server = runService:IsServer()

type Function = (any) -> any?

local eventConns = {}
local blockList = {}

return {
	addEvent = function(name : string): RemoteEvent
		assert(server, "This Function can only be used on the Server")
		assert(eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name) == nil, "There is already a RemoteEvent with the Name: "..name)
		local event = Instance.new("RemoteEvent")
		event.Name = name
		event.Parent = eventFolder
		return event
	removeEvent = function(name : string)
		assert(server, "This Function can only be used on the Server")
		assert(eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name) ~= nil, "There is no RemoteEvent with the Name: "..name)
		eventConns[name] = nil
	fireEvent = function(name : string, plr : Instance, ... : any?)
		assert(eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name) ~= nil, "There is no RemoteEvent with the Name: "..name)
		local event = eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name)
		local params = table.pack(...)
		if server then
			event:FireClient(plr, params)
			table.insert(params, 1, plr)
	fireAllClients = function(name : string, ... : any?)
		assert(server, "This Function can only be used on the Server")
		assert(eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name) ~= nil, "There is no RemoteEvent with the Name: "..name)

		local event = eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name)
		local params = table.pack(...)

	addListener = function(name : string, func : Function)
		assert(eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name) ~= nil, "There is no RemoteEvent with the Name: "..name)
		local event = eventFolder:WaitForChild(name)
		local signal = if client then event.OnClientEvent else event.OnServerEvent

		local conn = signal:Connect(function(...)
			local params = table.pack(...)
			local plrCheck = typeof(params[1]) == "Instance" and params[1]:IsA("Player")
			if plrCheck and blockList[params[1].Name] then warn(params[1], "is blocked from firing RemoteEvents") return end

		eventConns[name] = conn
	removeListener = function(name : string)
		assert(eventFolder:FindFirstChild(name) ~= nil, "There is no RemoteEvent with the Name: "..name)
		eventConns[name] = nil
	blockClient = function(plr : Instance, toggle : boolean?)
		assert(server, "This Function can only be used on the Server")
		if toggle then
			blockList[plr.Name] = plr
			blockList[plr.Name] = nil

Made by M_dgettMann (shadowflame63)

Example of adding/removing a RemoteEvent to/from the RemoteEvents folder:
	Module.addEvent("AnExample") -- Adds a RemoteEvent called 'AnExample' into the folder, and returns the RemoteEvent
	Module.removeEvent("AnExample") -- Removes the 'AnExample' RemoteEvent from the folder
Example usage of listeners for a named RemoteEvent:
	Module.addListener("AnExample", function() end) -- Runs the function with passed parameters when 'AnExample' is fired, automatically decides whether it's the server or client
	Module.removeListener("AnExample") -- Disconnects the listener for 'AnExample', but the RemoteEvent isn't destroyed and can be reused

Example of firing a named RemoteEvent:
	Module.fireEvent("AnExample", 123, "string") -- Fires named remote passing on the defined parameters, automatically decides whether it's the server or client
	Module.fireAllClients("AnExample", 123, "string") -- Fires server -> all clients, passing on the defined parameters

Example of blocking a client from firing RemoteEvents with effect:
	Module.blockClient(Player, true) -- The client can still fire events, but the server rejects their requests
Made by M_dgettMann (shadowflame63)

Example of adding/removing a RemoteEvent to/from the RemoteEvents folder:
	Module.addEvent("AnExample") -- Adds a RemoteEvent called 'AnExample' into the folder, and returns the RemoteEvent
	Module.removeEvent("AnExample") -- Removes the 'AnExample' RemoteEvent from the folder
Example usage of listeners for a named RemoteEvent:
	Module.addListener("AnExample", function() end) -- Runs the function with passed parameters when 'AnExample' is fired, automatically decides whether it's the server or client
	Module.removeListener("AnExample") -- Disconnects the listener for 'AnExample', but the RemoteEvent isn't destroyed and can be reused

Example of firing a named RemoteEvent:
	Module.fireServer("AnExample", 123, "string") -- Fires client -> server, passing on the defined parameters
	Module.fireClient("AnExample", Player, 123, "string") -- Fires server -> client, passing on the defined parameters
	Module.fireAllClients("AnExample", 123, "string") -- Fires server -> all clients, passing on the defined parameters

Example of blocking a client from firing RemoteEvents with effect:
	Module.blockClient(Player, true) -- The client can still fire events, but the server rejects their requests
Module Model

RemoteEventManager - Roblox

Edit: Fixed the functionality of the optimiser() function, made the blockClient() toggle make more sense and merged the fireClient() and fireServer() functions.

Note: Removed the BandwidthOptimiser module as it wasn’t functioning properly.

This module is outdated and no longer supported.


This doesn’t make sense to me. It’s saying BlockPlayer(Yes) will unblock the player, which doesn’t make sense at all.

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One thing I did for my custom networking module was remove the need for a fire server and client method. The function can easily be simplified into a single :Fire() and the function know which one to use contextually.


Very good point, I may do that then seeing as listeners already do the same

Sorry, I was just following the same format as the Disable property. I can switch it around if you wish

Setting something’s Disabled property to true will disable it, but for this it’s like setting Disabled to true will enable it. I don’t get what you mean.

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