Arcs of Resurgence can't be claimed even if you own the bling track or the fragmented robloxian bundle

The Diadem of Resurgence and Arcs of Resurgence are both missing from the hunt mega edition track.

As well as this, you have to pay to bling the Diadem of Resurgence for the Arcs of Resurgence even if you own the bling track or the fragmented robloxian bundle, which shouldn’t be the case as every other bling version of an item comes with the bling track/ownership of the fragmented robloxian bundle. The entire point of the bling item track is so that you get all of the blinged versions of the items without having to pay for individual items, however this is not the case with the Arcs of Resurgence.

Diadem of Resurgence: Diadem of Resurgence - Roblox

Arcs of Resurgence: Arcs of Resurgence - Roblox

Expected behavior

Ownership of the bling track or the fragmented robloxian bundle should allow you to get the blinged version of The Diadem of Resurgence (which is Arcs of Resurgence) without having to buy it separately. Both items should also appear on the track gui.


The last one is intentional, they clearly want that juicy :dollar::moneybag::money_with_wings:.


+1 to this report: I’m kind of surprised that it hasn’t received much attention. I feel that the wording of the bling track was quite misleading. In previous events, the bling track covered all items. There was no disclaimer that certain items were excluded from it. I understand that this event was probably expensive to produce (it was a great event btw), but it isn’t right to change how the bling track works and charge extra for the final bling item without making it obvious. I’ll ping the lead of Roblox Presents who can hopefully look into this issue.

Cc: @koaffle

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I really don’t wanna act like the forums goblin here but most threads opened with issues related to the new hunt event have been ignored by moderation, in theory you should have to open a bug report on the Roblox Support website.
In this specific case, I think the choice of having to bling the item separately is by design though

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