Welcome to the Ardleigh, England Bulletin Board - or in other words an update-log with all the information you need to know on the latest updates!
Below are listed the latest updates and patches to the game:
31/12/24 | Update Changelist:
- Lincx Transport and whitelisted team added
- A depot for Lincx Transport has been added
- A reduction to lag
- Ardleigh Travels has been subsequently replaced by Lincx
- Fix to cash system where players would be granted extremely execessive high and low amounts of in-game cash - soft locking them out of the game
- Minor bug fixes
06/12/25 | Update Changelist:
- Thumbnails have been changed to reflect the time of year
- The Discord link has been updated after a prologned period of not working
- A YouTube link has been added (to the group) for official media and trailers
- Music has been removed from the spawn area
- A quick patch has been released to help resolve the account age restriction - kicking players inadvertently
11/01/25 | Update Changelist:
- Unfinished roads now have been cordoned off with construction material and barriers
- Reduced the volume of trees across the map
- Christmas decorations fully removed
- Some outdated buildings have been modified slightly
- The age requirement threshold has been lowered to 30 days
- Major reduction to lag across the map
- Bug Fixes
15/01/25 | Update Changelist:
- The map’s terrain is now thawing - meaning the snow and ice areas are reverting back to their original state - just in time for Spring
- Minor bug fixes