Are ads or sponsors better? And what gets me more revenue and players?

I wanna know if I should run ads or sponsors for PC players or phone players.

I have tested sponsors for phones but it ended in no revenue.

What’s best for revenue and players?


In my experience, sponsoring is better but I would just do both. And in terms of revenue, well, that depends on the quality of your game, how fun it’s, how expensive the passes are, and what the passes give you. Hope this helps! :smiley:


Sponsoring is way better. I did a little experiment. I used a skyscraper ad and a computer sponsor. I bid 1750 on each. The first day I used money on the ad. 400 total visits. The second day I used money on the sponsor. 1100 total visits.


Yes sponsoring is better. And if you want to build up a player-base then I would suggest sponsoring on mobile. You get at least 3x the results and player count and visits will go up. This is good for getting the game popular and expanding to PC players.


Sponsoring is better, as it gains attention better and is shown it more people, and you can also choose which device it is sponsored on.


Running advertisements can sometimes be better since they take up a larger part of the screen, which can be more effective if you have a CTR of over 2%. Sponsoring games, however, get shown to more people and are always displayed to people looking to play a game (yet have horrible CTR rates).

So from my experience, try to use both if you can get one of your ads with a good CTR. Both are great for game growth.


It largely comes down to the quality of your ads and game icon. I’ve spent a bit of Robux (few hundred thousand) on promoting my game and have found ads to be far more successful for me than sponsors.

Sponsors get more impressions per Robux than ads but I get nearly 4x the CTR for ads than sponsors. In total Ads give me roughly double the clicks per Robux spent than sponsors.

Of course if your primary audience is mobile or console ads are not applicable.


I made a tutorial answering this exact question
Hope you enjoy it


Both have good and bad things.

The positives

  • Takes up a large majority of the screen, more likely to be seen
  • Advertisements are customizable, from the layout to the design

The negatives

  • A lot of people have Adblock, which hides Roblox advertisements
  • You can’t choose the platform it’s shown on

The positives

  • Not hidden by Adblock
  • You can choose the platform
  • Embedded into the games page (where the player is actually looking)

The negatives

  • Not very customizable
  • Small in size

You suggested mobile, but is there a difference between phones vs tablets?

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Tablets are the best, you will get a higher result than phones.


Sponsoring your game would be pretty good since from what I know, most people have an ad blocker and won’t see ads. But there are still some people who don’t have it and ads should go on the weekends and sponsoring should be in top rated or popular since those are the good places.

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Think about this, would you rather looking at ads or sponsored games to look for a game to play?

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Sorry for replying very very late but I think sponsoring is better. You get to choose how many days you want to run it. Advertising, however, only runs for one day.

I don’t know probably the ads, ads are usually seen more because people usually play the same games each time they are on roblox EDIT: nevermind, sponsors look better to me now.

What a great tip! But what’s the best platform to build a player-base? Mobile or tablet? Or both?