Are beams worth it?

I’ve been experimenting with beams in my Roblox experience and don’t know if they’re worth the hassle.

Many windowed parts would require the beam, which might cause lag. (not sure)

Should I add beams or keep them as neon parts?


Beams look so much better here I would go for beams here with neon parts it doesn’t look natural but in the first one it looks like a realistic street where people live


I’ve used Neon Parts with Decals on them and then change the Transparency of the Decal to ‘dim’ the Neon effect.
It works well for vehicle headlights when you want the visual look of a realistic headlight while it’s off. The Neon Part can be left Neon and you can turn the brightness on and off by changing the Decal transparency from (for example) .4 which hides the neon effect and shows the decal, to 1 which makes the Neon completely visible.


This is an extremely useful tip, but it isn’t my goal to hide the bloom effect.

I personally think the beams looks substantially better.

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If you change the decal transparency you can get the bloom effect too.