January 1, 2025, 7:38pm
I didn’t find any reports for this, so I want to know if this issue is happening for me only
canvas groups used to work normally but now they stopped working properly
they should clip frames even when they have UiCorner
but they are working like a normal frame with ClipDescendant turned on
now it does work properly “sometimes” and then stops working properly
This occurs when device runs out of memory (Or roblox thinks it did so). Only way to solve this is either buy better machine, or go from CanvasGroup to regular Frame.
January 1, 2025, 7:48pm
I have 45% of memory empty
regular frame doesn’t clip descendants well if it has a Ui corner an example is a loading screen that has a bevel it will make it look very bad
Canvas groups SHOULDN’T be used for such simple things. In your case, to remove such unwanted results, go with UIGradient and UICorner in single Frame object.
It’s Roblox.
MemoryLeft = CurrentMemory-math.random(0, 100)
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January 1, 2025, 7:56pm
that isn’t my case that is just an example
also, its fine to use it for simple things as I did that before and there were no performance problems
it’s using 2.3gbs that shouldnot make it reduce the quality
January 1, 2025, 8:32pm
Fixed this by setting the ZindexBehavior of ScreenGui to sibling
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