Are Casino games allowed?

Before I start I am very aware from the rule

  • Do not implement any gambling or casino style games that involve real money in any way. This includes Robux, as Robux can be purchased for real money. Games should also be fair and not be skewed in the developer’s favor .

but what if we weren’t implying like robux or real money would it still be against roblox’s terms of service? Like if we used in game currency such as “BloxBucks”.
I remember playing a game called “The Plaza” and they had a casino where you could double your money with slot machines. As well as many other heist’s game where you could rob casinos. But that isn’t the same as actually betting.


I forgot to mention we would like to add like a warning in the begging or like a age requirement to play the game.

A 2016 game I used to play all the time has a casino within it and has been up for over 5 years. You mentioned it here. Slot machines, which are in The Plaza, are considered betting, but take no in-game currency to use. So, if I were you, I would make a system in your game casino where it is allowed to be played for free, but is RNG based and has a rare chance of giving you large amounts in-game currency.

This post, right here, says that involve real money in any way. Therefore, I do not see why you would get in trouble for using a virtual currency. However, the main gray area of concern here is this:

If you plan to include a way in your game to buy in-game currency with Robux, it may fall under this. I would be very careful and keep this in mind when selling in-game developer products that give in-game money and cost ROBUX.

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I was just questioning that because it popped up I probably wouldn’t want to make a game like this even though it would be a fun project maybe just as for a friend group because I don’t want to expose kids to gambling because that can really impact there life later on and I don’t want that for them. But if we were thinking like about money I feel like for example a VIP gamepass which like most games isn’t worth it. like it just changes your avatar name to like a different color or something I feel like would be okay.

I’m not actually sure but may be just make arcade place to be sure since I don’t see any difference :laughing:

As you said

I think you can’t double your money by playing slot machines on casino, you have to bet on other players and play something (never tried playing this irl but based on what I saw on movies, seems like that way)

Very good idea, and that is very wise to do. Maybe use this project as experience developing games; make it a practice project of sorts.

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EDIT 06/20/2023

As of the same date of this edit, Roblox has officially moved to ban simulated gambling by September 18th, 2023 (in 3 months), which means that all forms of gambling are no longer allowed on the platform. This contrasts the prior stance to which, as long as there was no Robux involved, it could be passable.

The advice in this post is no longer accurate. Please avoid sharing this as an answer. For more information, please see Updating our policy on simulated gambling in the thread Create Experiences for People 17 and Older on Roblox.

If your in game currency must purely be earned through in-game methods and cannot be purchased or otherwise with Robux, you’re fine. Gambling related policies have been asked many times so you could search up some of the existing threads on the topic. See:

If your casino/betting-related systems cannot be associated with Robux directly or indirectly in any way then feel free to go wild with a casino game. If it’s possible for Robux to be involved in some manner with your systems then no it’s against the community guidelines (and not the Terms of Service).

The implication of or use of Robux is no good. A purely game-driven currency is fine.


I think that it’s allowed if it’s not real money involved. The fake currency is a good alternative but I believe you would have to have your game rated 13+ and have an option not to gamble. And you can’t have an option to purchase this currency with Robux, And if your planning to make your game all about gambling it would against terms.