I’m making an announcement system, which sends a notifications to all players on a textlabel. Would you say that in this scenario “coroutines” would be useful, since I call the tween for every player.
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
function sendNotificationToall(msg)
for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
-- Are coroutines useful in this case?
-- because we use TweenService for each player
local tween = TS:Create(v.PlayerGui.GUI.TextLabel, TweenInfo, Goal)
-- We use a yield here, to wait for the tween to finish
-- Task.wait and then there is more code below
sendNotificationToall("Hello how are you?")
You shouldn’t need separate threads on the same machine here because manipulating PlayerGui from the server is generally considered a hack. It’s a Roblox-exclusive engine quirk, it doesn’t make it wrong, but it does make it weird. Instead please consider pushing a notification to each client user’s machine instead (do what you like, I’m just advocating for general developer preference btw).
I know this doesn’t exactly elaborate on coroutines- so I will also leave this. Any time your thread is going to receive hinderance because of yielding where seemingly dual execution is needed, coroutines/thread spawning are never a question of if they are useful! I recommend reading about task.spawn and coroutine individually and deciding where you prefer to use each (generally, when the thread needs to pause execution you would use a coroutine).