Are DMCA strikes/IP Content removals system different from the automated(?) copyright asset moderation system?

I am getting mixed results from some but I one time got a DMCA from the olympics over public domain clothing that visually, had nothing to do with the olympics besides it being in the title but a year prior a public domain edited audio of nighttime ambience was taken down but not via a DMCA but likely automated reasons.

Are the more severe direct DMCA Strikes different from the typical copyright detection? some make it seem that way, my question is mainly due to the fact that I been told three DMCA’s is immediate termination and I don’t know if that false audio moderation is going to lead up to another that will get me kicked off the platform or it doesn’t count as it’s not a DMCA claim.

I joined remediation program shortly after the olympic incident but I’ve been told it was discontinued and can’t find what time it was and been wondering if it even removed my strike after being on it after 6 months.

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Here is the content warning I got for the audio long ago

It makes no mention of a DMCA and it occurred months after the audio was published while it was offsale.

Does this make a difference between the DMCA strike system and this type of IP moderation? (even though it was PD audio and not copyrighted)

Seems like I am not the only one with this question.

Can anyone clarify? the audio take down did not give me a DMCA message like how most in others DMCA messages do, just the screenshotted message above, still curious about the remediation program discontinuing too.

No there is likely not a dmca strike on your account, sometimes it seems roblox runs copyright checks on audios every now and then which seems to just compare it to a library of songs and if it recognizes one it takes your audio down.

You can get warnings for this but it depends on how often this happens and stuff, i have gotten this a few times in the past lol

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