Are Execution style deaths allowed?

I’ve looked around and there is some debate on what is allowed with “execution style” deaths. To put it lightly I am making a medieval battle game and had the idea to do a “public hanging” of the losing team. Obviously I wouldn’t show it I would simple imply it by having a cutscene of them walking up the gallows, cutting to black and possibly have some death sfx.

I don’t want to push the line on whats allowed, thought it would just be a cool touch that would fit with the theme and time period of my game. If there are any mods or anyone that has discussed this previously that might have some insight it would be greatly appreciated!


Well, obviously, excessive gore isn’t allowed on roblox, so if you wanted to animate special deaths, yeah nah you probably wouldn’t be able to.

However, as for the hanging scene, as long as you don’t show any rope or cut to black before the characters have the rope put around their necks, you should be fine.
It is a little risky though, so its up to you if you want to or not.

Please note I haven’t looked into detail of the roblox TOS, so this may just not be allowed, but from what I’ve heard, it should be fine if you don’t show any rope or just cut to black.

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Considering actual gameplay in some games is more questionable than what you’re suggesting it sounds fine. Not sure which age group you are targeting though.
As an alternative however, you could have them put in a dungeon, also very mediaeval.

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I do like that as an alternative, I’ll be sure to keep this in mind! Thanks for the suggestion.