Are genitals allowed

Like I said on the post title, are genitals allowed in Roblox games? I mean, not in a sexual way, showing genitals as an ““artistic”” way, because it is realistic. I want to make this game Im working on crude, I want it to be a “serious” project.

I dont remember this horror movie name, but they showed a naked man to create this uncanny feeling. Thats how I want it to be.
A great example of what I want to share is the old roman statues/sculptures. They didnt add genitals because of the lust, they just did because it is art, and they wanted to share their feelings.

For this Im just gonna use a non realistic texture made by me of a mans genital.

So… is this allowed?

If so, what would be the age requirement?
Roblox is a game engine where players can make games, where artists can share their pieces, and this should be allowed, atleast for the people over 17.

If not, can I represent a naked man, just his blocky body and his skin color? Just like this game “Africa simulator”.

Sorry if Im using the wrong category and sorry for my bad English. Hope you understand my thoughts, thanks for reading.

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Where ever the line is drawn, you cannot model said genitals to look realistic, or even remotely “bigger”. You sure you don’t want to go another way of doing this?

This may work

Wait what I thought they did. Unless the Greeks had them but not the Romans.

Even if it’s not for bad reasons I don’t think Roblox would be happy if a 17 year old got showed a Roblox characters genitals.
I would say this is a bad idea and I wouldn’t do it.

But the idea where you say just an all skin color avatar might work.

Please review the TOS before creating a post, OFC GENITALS AREN’T ALLOWED :rofl:


If you want to have an artistic nude statue, just make a generic Roblox character with a single skin tone; don’t model anything resembling genitalia

I don’t really understand why you’d want to do this except for educational purposes? Roblox isn’t seen as an educational tool, even if some games are designed around historical accuracy. Don’t get me wrong, there are games that are educational on Roblox, but I can’t think of a good reason why your game would need this (saying that it’s educational in the first place.)

No, your game cannot have genitalia. Even in 17+ games it’s not allowed.

I believe it was actually both the Romans and Greeks who had them? I just don’t think the Romans had them early on, but at some point, adopted the practice.

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