Are little religious references allowed in a Roblox Game?

Titulo Principal

I’m making a Vampire Simulator game, now im going to explain what is this game about and the context of this images:

1. Vampirism Simulator…

Is a horror simulator game for all ages where you come to train your strength and consume human blood to gain powers to be the most powerful vampire in the world.

2. Since in this game’s world is dominated by Vampires…

I wanted to add some little religious references such as holy waters in a waterfall and a church but dominated by vampires, the reason for this is to make villagers look like that their only hope to live is believing on god since there is NO hope when living in a world dominated by vampires.

3. How frequent are the religious references?

I won’t add more religious references no matter how little they would be, I didn’t make this game for religious reasons, this thing was made to let players see that the Villagers from this game live with fear under the vampires and their only hope is to believe on god, whose never shows in the game as a NPC. So this is going to be infrequent.

That’s all, I’m waiting for answers to see if this thing is allowed to be added, if not then it will be cancelled.
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The Roblox rules have explicit provisions protecting religion and/or religious affiliation against any derogatory, discriminatory, hate-charged or otherwise negative remarks and rhetoric. The topic of religion itself is not hard banned (real or fictional), but tread cautiously so you don’t offend anyone and fall under the lines of spreading negative content regarding religion.

  1. Discriminatory speech or actions. We explicitly honor and welcome diversity of identities and experiences. We will not tolerate any discriminatory speech, content, or actions, including those which are used to condone or encourage inflammatory actions, hate speech, attacks, or any other type of discrimination, based on any of the protected characteristics below:
  • Religion or religious affiliation;

Roblox Community Rules . Accessed 27 January 2021. Clipped pieces for relevancy.

Now as long as you don’t mention specifically a religion you’re talking about or promoting that religion I would assume it’s fine. Seeing as DOORS :eye: has used “religious imagery” but they actively say that they aren’t promoting or wanting people to think about religion in the game.

I would propose not adding a church or explicitly mentioning a concrete religion or place to avoid conflict. And damaging stereotypic views should probably be avoided in general.


Also you say that it’s a

game for all ages


consume human blood to gain powers

but depending on how far you’re taking that topic it may not be for all ages.

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The blood consuming in game isn’t realistic, it’s just a button to press and then the blood disappears, and the blood splatter is also unrealistic and unfrequent, meaning that it’s not violent enough to affect kids in any other way, that thing is well planned. Don’t worry about it.

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Yes, Vampirism Simulator has no intentions to promote or wanting people to think about religion either, but if I can’t put a church or a crucifix turned upside down as a signal of the devil then I’m willing to replace all that but for something else I get in mind soon.

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To be honest, I might just delete the crosses and keep the church, there’s a game that has a map with a church in it but doesn’t have crosses so I guess that is fine.

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You could take inspiration from other games or mythology but using the Church may be focussing too much on religion. Take symbols of magic from other myths and games. What you make should make sense on multiple levels.

The crosses are mostly fine, there is this:

While Roblox allows churches and different stuff like that, but they also censor any mention of religion. Personally, I’d say you should avoid putting the “God created Earth” thing in your game as you’d probably end up getting hate from people.

If you want something equal to a church, any building or mansion would work fine. You also can’t get away with too much on the platform. Using some vague sigils or symbols would work just as fine.

Also yes I know some symbols are banned or disliked by some people, so you could do some digging to find something that actually works. You don’t want to offend entire religions or believers.

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