Hello, I wanted to know are number values in the player easily hackable such as like this
local ImportantFolder = Instance.new("Folder", plr)
ImportantFolder.Name = "IMFOLDER"
local Attributes = Instance.new("Folder", plr)
Attributes.Name = "attributes"
local plrS = Instance.new("NumberValue", ImportantFolder)
plrS.Name = "PlayerStrength"
plrS.Value = 120 -- When skill added change to players skill level
local hasBall = Instance.new("BoolValue", ImportantFolder)
hasBall.Name = "hasBall"
hasBall.Value = false
local isBlocking = Instance.new("BoolValue", ImportantFolder)
isBlocking.Name = "isBlocking"
isBlocking.Value = false
local isCatching = Instance.new("BoolValue", ImportantFolder)
isCatching.Name = "isCatching"
isCatching.Value = false
local speed = Instance.new("NumberValue", Attributes)
speed.Name = "Speed"
speed.Value = 16
local staminaRegen = Instance.new("NumberValue", Attributes)
staminaRegen.Name = "StaminaRegen"
staminaRegen.Value = 10
if so how would I fix that so the values are accessible to other scripts easily.