Are .rblx files fully safe?

I recently bought some unfinished assets and was given them through an .rblx file. Should I download them, as I am not sure if they are fully safe or not.


Files can become dangerous if they are opened by an application that has a flaw with opening said files. If you open it up in Roblox Studio, the only way it can be dangerous is if a flaw exists in how Roblox parses files to do things like files. Currently, no known exploit exists, and any issues that you could run into would be isolated to Studio (ex: trying to load a million parts causing Studio to freeze). Compressed files that require external applications, like .rar files, could potentially have problems, like a previous WinRAR vulnerability that was an exploit in code that they didn’t control. If the file is already a .rblx, there is no danger.


So should I download as they should be safe?

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They should be safe to download and open. Yes.


can anyone uploud malicious files to devforum? and rename them to rbxl, i’m concerned to download something from devforum and get a virus

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Bro why did you necrobump this? As to your question, the answer is that yes, they can, but they won’t be harmful to you unless you change the extension to the malicious one.

ye im not aware of such “bump” things but cool