Are .rblxlx roblox official files?

Recently, a friend told me to download a game as a project to help him and it is a .rblxlx file, not .rblx it was a game, is it safe or is it a virus?
(im on macOS btw)


As far as I know, the only files supported by exporting are .rbxl (Roblox level?) or .rbxm (Roblox model). I don’t know of any .rblxlx file type, but I could be wrong and would like to be proven otherwise.

Though if you can’t trust your friend because you think they’re sending you a virus, then maybe they aren’t your friend :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, I agree with the last statement but if possible a Roblox staff answer would be appreciated to be sure.

I tried it on and it says its safe but maybe it uses Roblox hacks for account?

Before the binary files, XML was used for place files, which were .rbxlx files for place files, which has 1 L instead of 2 (rbxlx vs rbLxlx). If it is a typo and it is .rbxlx, it is fine, and can be read as plain text.


Oh thank you, so now that I know its safe ill go ahead and trust them, thank you

There’s two file types for Place place files. One is binary, and the other is XML. A .rbxl is a binary file, while .rbxlx is XML format. They both contain the same information, just in a different way.

However, you posted .rblxlx. Was that intentional, or just a typo?

Regardless, just to be safe, just open the file from Studio. (File > Open from File…)

Edit: Ninja’d


Yep, sorry, thank you for the information.

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