Are reselling limiteds good for making robux?

(Please inform me if this is wrong category)

Hey! So I was recently thinking about potentially reselling limiteds and/or UGC limiteds for robux, and I was wondering if it’s a good way to do so. Also, are normal limiteds better for selling than UGC limiteds? Or the other way around? I really think reselling limiteds & UGC limiteds would improve my experience with uhhhhhh whatever skill reselling these items would give me (yeah uh idk). So, what do you think?


It’s the same as real world stock market - it is all supply and demand. Likewise, it’s basically just gambling. Main difference is it is harder to predict what the values are going to do in Roblox as you can’t really research further movements…

Because of the tax roblox puts on sales (something like 30%!!), it probably isn’t going to be worth reselling limiteds.