Are Roblox coding books a good source to learn Lua?

I’ve been wanting to learn scripting and later on scripting my own games. I was wondering if these scripting books are a way to go? Do you think their a good source of learning for a beginner like me? When finish with a book, will I be able to script a game on my own? What do you suggest?



I think your best bet is actually practicing and using documentation & api references.


Well, I here messed around with Free Models back in 2014 and got the hang of scripting by configurating free-modeled scripts, however that is not the best option nowadays because of the backdoors etc.

Your best bet is what SevenDevelopment suggested is looking at the documentation and or API Refrences.

YouTube is also a great source on teaching you some basics, and tips. You could also browse through the DevForum too within tutorials.


Its always good to learn Java, JavaScript, or even HTML before Lua because of the similarities, although some things are very different. For example, in JavaScript, an i loop looks like this:

for (var i = 0; i<x; i++) { --[[code here]]}

and in Lua it is:

for i = 1, x, do; --[[code here]]; end

but knowing JavaScript greatly improved my knowledge on how it actually worked, and thats why I recommend learning it.


I have a question, why are you putting a do; instead of simply doing



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That depends on what you’re doing; if you’re trying to make a game on Roblox, learning any language other than Lua/Luau wouldn’t help you much other than teach you the fundamentals of programming, which is something you still learn even if you learn Lua first (which I did).

Also, HTML is just a Markup Language, learning that for game development would be like learning JavaScript for OOP.


We’ve only used on Roblox dev book:

It says Advanced, but it covers the basics really well too. I got the most out of the official Roblox Education and Roblox Creator sites.

The Education stuff once you dig in to it even takes you through making different types of games from start to finish and was incredibly useful


Personal preference. Semicolons are used in many other mainstream languages and he’s using it in Lua for consistency. Note that semicolons are usually not required in Lua; the only actual use case for it other than readability as far as I know is to disambiguate multi-line statements/expressions. For example:

local a = b
(c or d)(e)

This can be interpreted two ways and you have to clarify which one it is:

local a = b(c or d)(e)
local a = b;
(c or d)(e) --this is a separate statement

Okay, thanks, I already saw it somewhere but I didn’t understand, thanks!