Somebody is offering me a Roblox Gift Card as payment for a Cafe, not sure if this is safe because I have never done it and heard somebody has been banned from it?
So if you have any information on this please let me know, thanks. (Also I have no idea which topic to put this in so I put it in building support.)
Do not use gift cards for payment!
The person who purchased the gift cards could contact Roblox Support and ask them to take them back for many reasons. I personally would not do this, as too much could go wrong.
T-shirt payments are a thing, but the 30% being taken is an issue.
Another thing is group payouts, but you need to be in the group for 2 weeks. This is a big issue. I have gotten scammed many a time because of the waiting time. Many people just ghost you.
Check the people who you work for, and the group payouts should be a good option.