Are TextLabels Auto-Moderated for Phone Numbers?

Title pretty much says it. The Prototype I’m modeling has the owning organization’s number on it.

I’m not putting their actual number on, but I don’t want to get in trouble for something completely harmless.

My Model:

If you stop to look at the number, the 555 area code is used for Movies, and 8675309 isn’t used for obvious reasons. (If you don’t know, that’s just sad.)


I know I’m not breaching any ToS, I just don’t want any ToS strikes due to some bot thinking I’m giving away someone’s personal info due to formatting.

I don’t think there’s any way that anybody could actually know that, but what if you delete the second dash and replace the first dash with a period or underscore? Even though calling the number wouldn’t connect you to anyone, it’s probably best to be cautious.

I agree :+1:

I’d say that you should be good as long as it isn’t a real phone number, although if you’d like to be on the extremely safe side I’d recommend uploading that number as a decal on an alternative account.