Are the session time metrics under the performance dashboard calculated at the place level?

I just implemented a new player tutorial to my game which teleports players to a different place within the same experience if new players opt into it, and for the last hour our session time under the performance dashboard has plummeted:

Past day:

Past hour:

I’m a bit paranoid that the tutorial is making players leave or something else is wrong if this is calculated at the experience level. I know the “Place” dropdown has Experience selected but I want to get some concrete confirmation on how these metrics are calculated before I revert this update if it’s at the experience level…

If it’s at the place level and is not considering teleports then it would be expected. Anyone know how this is calculated?

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Session Time is calculated based on a session, which lasts from the time a player joins your game universe to the time the player leaves it. If they are teleported to different places within your experience, that is still included within the one session. This means that your tutorial may have hindered achieving a successful onboarding experience.

The Performance tab’s Session Time is actually different from Engagement’s Average Session Time in that it is not weighted based on player count. This means that session times for Computer, Console, Phone, and Tablet are all calculated and then factored into the total equally. If you’re looking at Engagement, the data you’re looking at is just Total Playtime / # of Sessions. This means that if just a few players from a minority platform have a bad experience, it will greatly affect Performance Session Time and not affect Engagement very much.

Does this data still look so bad if you look at Engagement Average Session Time?

Yeah since it’s been several days since my post I was able to get the engagement average session time stats and it was indeed worse since the tutorial implementation. Players apparently do not like being teleported to solo tutorial instances for zombie shooters lol. I’ve since made changes that have brought it back up so it is no worries now :slightly_smiling_face:

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