Are there any good round-based open source games?

Im honestly surprised you even found one Bruh you are being way to picky!!! So your telling me you already found a round based game that meets all of your specifications and you wont use it because it wont use module scripts!? All you have to do is study how do scripts and module scripts communicate study the code in the game and voila. It just seems like you are to lazy to put 2 and 2 together. You need to problems solve that is like 95% of being a programmer Like you could tell me your a new programmer but that doesnt excuse that. You need to have drive to put in the work. I would also like to point out that you said

You are asking for ANOTHER game!? I at least understood your thought process at first but this. this is just. bruh. Like I cant even.

eh I just asked if there were any and now I got a triggered professional programmer who is against my question :thinking:

Look at tutorials, the roblox wiki, educate yourself. There’s plenty of resources online.

There’s no open sourced game that you can just snatch.

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Yep. This is what I’ve learned from the people replying to me :sweat_smile: