Are there any good round-based open source games?

Hello. I hope I’m posting this in the right category. Anyway, I’m trying to make a round-based game, but I honestly don’t know where to start. I know the whole basic idea of it, but I don’t have any clear methods of scripting a whole game. Are there any good round-based open source games I could study on? Preferrably one that has many maps and gamemodes.


I believe this should be in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

@Alvin_Blox created a round-based game: piggy. You can watch the first video here: This video kick started my ROBLOX developing.


I dont think his game is opensourced though…

I mean really? No offense but making a round based game is literally one of the easiest things to make. It is just making a table of maps from a folder, copying one, teleporting players, waiting a given time, teleporting them back. You encase that in a while loop. You got yourself a round based game. The rest is just filling to make it look fancy to players And a voting system possibly and granting powerups. Not to mention there are plenty of tutorials online you can follow. Why do you need an open source in the first place?

He can learn to make it intead of taking code and not understanding it.


That is understandable. But his videos are like 50 minutes long

But he could just follow a tutorial purely about how to make a map changer. (roughly 20 ish minutes)

map changer? What do you mean?

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In order to have different maps. You want to have a script to randomly change between them.

There are going to be no tutorials on how to make a complete game, Creating a game takes hundreds of smaller elements to create a game. You need to start small and expand. Start with a map changer. Than game modes, than leader stats, than GUI and keep expanding.


Yeah but he gives you in-depth explanations

Not to mention for someone to open source a game with gamemodes maps and everything!? No one is going to open source that for you. Im sorry but you need to face the facts and actually try. Everyone isnt just going to put the answer on a plate for you for free. I mean you should be able to script itAfter all you have programmer rank. Game development isnt easy.

I actually studied TheNexusAvenger’s open sourced round-based game called Roblox Battle 2018 Edition but I had a hard time studying it because it didn’t use module scripts because it was based on a game made on like 2012 so I thought I could study other open sourced games if any.

Anyways, thought I’d just ask if there were any. I actually already made a round-based game that worked fine but it was just messy and I don’t know how to organize it so maybe if I found other games that were complete, I would have a guide on how to organize it and learn more about round-based game making.

It’s simple, here’s how.

  • Make a folder with all different maps and put them in server storage
  • Randomly pick a map and make its parent workspace
  • Wait a certain amount of time
  • Teleport players back
  • Repeat

You can repeat by using the while true do method. I’m not giving away any of the code I used for my round based game as I would like to keep min private. But what I just listed is how you would make the round based game. :+1:

In depth explanations that when you do it, half the time doesnt work.

Yeah because the code isn’t done… You need to understand that code will take a bit to compose.

It is not like I do understand, its just that for newer people it would be increasingly difficulty, first because they don’t understand, next, it is a very tedious process to watch they video, likely for them to give up.

I don’t know of any open source ones, but I do know that AlvinBlox has a tutorial series on making a piggy game. He shows how to make rounds, teleport players, etc. and you could just adapt that to fit your game idea.