Hi, soo recently i decided to take look into OOP, and i made debounce module, i needed it because usually my frameworks require many players to have debounce on different tools and stuff
local Debounce = {}
Debounce.__index = Debounce
local AllDebounces = {}
--[[Create new debounce for invidual player]]
function Debounce.new(player:Player,name:string)
local newDebounce = {}
AllDebounces[player] = newDebounce
newDebounce.Player = player
newDebounce.DebounceList = {}
return newDebounce
--[[Adds or overwrite debounce type of invidual player]]
function Debounce:Add(name:string,timeout:number)
self.DebounceList[name] = tick() + timeout
--[[Remove debounce from invidual player]]
function Debounce:Remove(name:string) : "removes specific debounce from player"
self.DebounceList[name] = nil
--[[Remove all debounces from invidual player]]
--[[it's reccomended to use it when player leaves to prevent memory leaks]]
function Debounce:RemoveAll(isPlayerLeaving:boolean) : "removes all player's debounces"
local DebounceList = self.DebounceList
for i, debounce in DebounceList do
DebounceList[i] = nil
if isPlayerLeaving then
self.DebounceList = nil
AllDebounces[self.Player] = nil
self.Player = nil
--[[Get acces to all player debounces]]
function Debounce:getPlayerDebounce(player:Player)
return AllDebounces[player]
return Debounce
I made this module but i’m afraid that i made some stupid mistake and after using it 100+ times game’s performance would be terrible, soo i ask you if there are any memory-leaks or broken garbage collection
local Debounce = {
For some reason this is a debounce object
--[[ NOTES
- After some looking over of this I don't see any direct memory leeks
What I would suggest though is that you remove the need for these to be
use as you need and just let them be stored whereever you are using them. Then just
add a kill call and and clean them up when your done. That way you can just reuse them
in the context of use. Changing this around a bit to show waht i mean
Now if you want some sort of way you can group a set of them so you could kill
all at the same time, if it was me. I would just write a utility here that lets you get maybe
a special table or something that lets you place them inside it for the context area you are using it
that maybe can clear them all out in one go.
It's not 100% but this is a bit more generic and you can let your area hold it and once you release
all references it will get cleaned up by collections
If I was going to write this though, I would instead use a function pass in as a predicate true false condition
that way you could have a more diverse use of the debouce to be wahtever the function you wanted.
You could build some built in accessors and or things like time checks and such but have a way
to do debounces based on other things. But thats just me.
The point here is, in this specific case of what your doing less is more
you could make a much simplier object with a good breadth of features to make your life easier
but there really isnt a reason to memory manage it here. In fact, it would be more prone to leak here
then it would be just to store it relative to where you use it, and ensure that area clears up.
Once your object loses all refrences and since we are not storing any references to instances here directly
it should auto clean itself up
Debounce.__index = Debounce
You have a name pass in right now that you are not using ?
Is this intentional or do you have other uses.
--[[Create new debounce for invidual player]]
function Debounce.new()
local newDebounce = {}
newDebounce.Debounce = nil
newDebounce.isPass = true
newDebounce.setNextPass = false
newDebounce.timeout = 0
return newDebounce
When ever we see if we can get through the debounce we
check if the state of debounce should change state before returning value
function Debounce:CanPass()
if self.setNextPass then
-- once we trip the debounce we g
if self.Debounce >= tick() then
self.isPass = true
self.setNextPass = true
return self.isPass
--[[Adds or overwrite debounce type of invidual player]]
function Debounce:Set(timeout:number)
--Predicate that if we are already active we dont need to set again
if self.isPass == false then return end
self.isPass = false
self.timeout = timeout or self.timeout
self.Debounce = tick() + self.timeout
function Debounce:ForcePass()
self.Debounce = tick()
function Debounce:UpdateTimeout(timeout:number)
self.timeout = timeout
function Debounce:ResetTimer()
self.Debounce = tick() + self.timeout
return Debounce
just some suggestions otherwise seems ok, but as I said here, it is a touch spicy that you reference the player here which is a direct instance that could get suspended here if you don’t clean it up properly. In your old case you probably should build in a self kill function which will clean up your kill all which is just iterating over a table of the objects and calling kill.
I do think there is a touch of overloading in the current one and grouping them together as well as being singular is a bit “node” esk and I don’t see the immedant benefit but if it helps you that’s all that’s important.
Again, I just was showing what I would do, it still works but technically you could be more agnostic with it as a whole and let whatever area context they are being used manage the reference storage for them and release it that way.
Centralizing is fine, but this seems a bit more like a utility object vs other ways. Again if it was me I would pair it with a Top level Utility Module/Manager, that would not be the object but perhaps the thing that can manage the grouping feature ect thats seperate from the object.
Just trying to think of the logical use and seperation of logic when I can but again I am not saying it’s bad and if its useful and works for you then YAY!!! I am just suggesting a few things that may make it more broadly usable and less necessary to finagle to cram into use elsewhere.
Think how often you use debounce and how you use it.
In this way this is great you are making your life easier.
But what if you wanted to use it in a place with no player reference, the behavior would almost be identical but you don’t have a player to attach it too.
Now you have to write a new one or create some finalge condition for it.
So by making the object more pure to what it does, you can give it a bit more features, maybe even consider pooling them once you release it so you could reuse a data object as you wanted since its more generic.
But minus pooling, which would have need to store ones that have been cleaned out.
I would suggest letting them be managed by where they are being used.
At best, create a manager that is not an object, that is how one is gotten. And then has function utilities for grouping or latching to a player, and then cleaning up the player grouped ones.
This way the debounce object stays agnostic,and the feature pairing with a player and grouped managed aspect comes from the application of the object.
Also by keeping it more rooted in its agnostic behavior, you could later think of ways of exstending it and making different types of debounces from the parent debounce.
Oh, i know what you wanted to say, yea i thought about it, but this system was only some play with OOP because i never used itin meta-tables way, i usually used it with micro-module when i had 10 modules that make some effects or function and 1 controller which fired functions and ect.
But for the first time it’s OK
I know that separating manager from object is idea and i will probably explore it in later projects
Anyways, thx for explaining some OOP techniques, i’ll use them