Are there any tutorials that can help me with this?

I want to know if there are any tutorials on the devforum that can help me learn about a certain topic.


All types of Welds


Player Mouse

The Math Libary

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search it up on google or bing and then just look for a link from the roblox devforum

However if you want some here:
Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to CFrames and How to Use Them [CFrame Guide] - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox

How to make an Easy Freecam Script! [MOBILE SUPPORT] - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox

Mouse | Roblox Creator Documentation

math | Roblox Creator Documentation

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Tried doing this with the search term “CFrame tutorial devforum”, couldn’t find anything but random tutorials on external sites relating to Roblox or just youtube, and also people on the devforum asking for help on something related to CFrame’s on the devforum

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I gave you some tutorials above

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Here’s a pretty comprehensive CFrame guide made by roblox: CFrames | Roblox Creator Documentation

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